
PATIENCE......a greet tool

  What is patience, p atience is a virtue that is often associated with calmness, composure, and the ability to tolerate delay or adversity without becoming agitated or upset.   It is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset 1 . Here are some words and phrases related to patience: Endurance : The ability to withstand hardship or adversity. Tolerance : The willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own. Composure : The state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself. Perseverance : Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Fortitude : Courage in pain or adversity. Steadfastness : Resolute or dutifully firm and unwavering. Serenity : The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. Remember, patience is not about waiting passively. Instead, it’s about actively maintaining a positive attitude while waiting. It’s about self-control and the ab...

Sura Yaseen

 The 36 th Sura Yaseen from the Book  of Alaah SWA where HE gives details of the day of judgment and how the believers with righteousness and disbelievers half-hearted Muslims who have disobeyed shall be treated. [Then He will say],  "But stand apart today, you criminals. Segregation of sinners and real believers shall be ordered to get separated id I not enjoin upon you, O children of Adam, that you not worship And that you worship [only] Me? This is a straight path. Satan - [for] He had already led astray from among you much of creation, so did you not use reason? Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy - [Enter to] burn therein today for what you used to deny." This is That Day, We will seal over their mouths, their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn. Hellfire which you were promised And if We willed, We could have obliterated their eyes, and they would race to [find] the path, and how could they see? And if We willed, We could ...

I am old

I am old, I am called now a senior citizen...... Am I outdated, deadwood so in Isolation, marginalized... Don't I have now opportunities to flourish am I not manageable, shall I be distanced Do I will have negative perceptions, I will be withdrawn from social roles? Shall I become lost, helpless, and unable to keep up with the rapid pace of change? shall I be having feelings of sadness, longing, regret and lack of fulfilment.......  No... It's the way one thinks, thinking makes it so... One needs to be positive and that is a simple answer to these apprehensions...  .

یہ دور بھی گزر جائے گا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

یہ دور بھی  گزر جائے  گا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ یہ دور بھی گذر جائے گا  اہک ایسی بات ہے جو  اگر ایک انسان  اپنی زندگی میں اپنا لے گا  تو کسی بھی مشکل وقت  کسی بھی مشکل حالات  میں سے بہ آسانی  نکل جاۓ گا۔ وقت مشکل  ضرورہو سکتا ہے اور    ازیت ناک بھی ۔اور برا بھی ہوسکتا ہے۔مگر یہ ایک احساس، ایک خیال  کہ کوئی بھی  وقت،حالات  ہمیشہ  نہیں  رہنے والے،ہر  دور کا  وقت  گذر جاتا ہے،انسان  کو راحت دللا سکتا ہے ۔ یہاں ایک  کہانی یاد آتی ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ وقت مشکل ہے پر یہ وقت گزر جائے گا ابراہیم نوریسی بادشاہ نے اپنے ملک سے تمام پڑھے لکھے، عقلمند اور عالم قسم کے لوگوں‌کو جمع کیا اور ان سے پوچھا کہ کیا کوئی ایسا مشورہ، منتر یا مقولہ ہے کہ جس کو ہر قسم کے حالات میں استمال کیا جاسکے، ہر صورتحال اور ہر وقت میں اس ایکبات  سے کام چل جائے۔ کوئی ایسا مشورہ جو کہ میں اگر اکیلے میں ہوں‌اور میرے ساتھ کوئی مشورہ کرنے والا نہ ہو تب بھی مجھے اس کا فائدہ ہو؟  تمام لوگ بادشاہ کی اس خواہش کو سن کر پریشا...

Mind SET

Mind set Mindset is an "established set of attitudes, esp. regarded as typical of a particular group's social or cultural values; the outlook, philosophy, or values of a person; (now also more generally) frame of mind, attitude, recreation anddisposition.A mindset may also arise from a person's brought up environment, it's very effective tool in setting up mindset A firmly established mindset could create a powerful incentive to adopt or accept prior behaviors, choices, or tools, sometimes referred to as congenital Within behaviour, the mind thinking looks normal apparently but we witnesse lot of variations in the behavoiur good or bad. If it is bad it creats problems for individual,  its nearers and dearers often the mnd set donot accept what he is asked to do intead wantsforces to dohis own which is not good for him conceptualizations of mindset shift "to the varied definitions and conceptualizations" which "demarcates this literature via a...


Expectations. Expectations .........expections when not fulfilled deject the person and can prove disastrous..... They sometimes pave the way for depressions ..strand relations even among the kith-n-kin. Anonymity is another sequel.  What is the is perhaps the feeling of getting something in return from anyone or something good...something what you feel to be,  something you anticipate  in return after you do something good to anyone. Expectations are the root of all heartache.” “Expectations are the enemy of happiness.” “Expecting someone to change for you is a recipe for disaster.” “The only thing you should expect from a relationship of any sort is to be with someone who respects and loves you for who you are. Never expect anything in return after you favor, do something for someone 

The Great Solace

  The great solace... That person is having more or better status than me..,he is healthy and wealthy than me.My close relative have lot of property than me.some one is a pity employee than me still affords luxuries......etc etc.....why i dont have...why why....wut is lacking in me to be like them....these thinkings..thoughts disturb us...many people get an endeavour to be like that have like that....they try all nonsence but such situations the great solace is to look towards the people who are down to ur status  property health and wealth....In Case God had  made u one among those people who are far below to you in status, health and be contented with whatever is bestowed to u is the great solace......let us not forget that creater has made us with some level of capasity....He is the best judge....let us not try to go beyond case we we try and don't get you will be definitely in difficulties 😔😔😔