Cycle Of Life.......Winter / summer
The cycle of life.
Four Noble Truths. According to the Buddha, the real nature of the life and universe is nothing other than suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the way leading to the cessation of suffering. The Four Noble Truths are the Samsara, Attachment and Impermanence are elucidated. Samsara is the eternal life cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Attachments are simple beliefs or delusions that becomes solidified as “truth” in our mind. Finally, Impermanence is the concept that everything changes and nothing stays the same fundamental teachings that all Buddhists learn.
As per Islam there it is confirmed in the Holy Quran, the word of Alah that Oh you man kind you have the Life after death as per your Deeds Karma . In case you have good deeds as per the directives of Alah you will be definitely having good Life and in case of deeds against the directions of Alah you have to have hellfire (bad Life). Further it is conveyed by GOD Alah that this world is the place to testify how you perform so that you are rewarded accordingly. Here you will be tested through miseries, difficulties hardships , loses in wealth health , family, nearer, dearers,
Philosophers have identified people with seasons, they say...
Summer people are big-hearted people who strive to be the best they can be, and more. They always know how to have fun, never having a boring day in their lives. They are always kind to everyone and go out of their way to learn about everyone and help everybody feel loved and special.
Winter people do not know how to have fun. They sit inside all day with a steaming cup of hot cocoa and read boring magazines about politics, news, and nonsense. They walk outside to get the mail and are met by a chilling breeze that makes their bones shiver, then they go back inside to go to bed and wake up realizing, the day is over and nothing at all has been accomplished. They live boring lives and do not know how to escape the wrath of the dreaded months of winter.
Winter people are rude. don’t ever try to have a conversation with someone who is a winter person because, the response will be a brusque, rude one. They will discuss all their problem such as how they have too much work to get done, how they have to walk their dogs, how they have too many errands to run, and how they are constantly bored in life. Their negativity will spread around and make everybody feel gloomy and depressed, so having a conversation with a winter person is not highly recommended.
Winter people are extremely violent on the road. Winter people always drive over the speed limit, honk their horns at everyone, and are impatient. If there is a red light they will run it and not care. They always get tickets and have probably caused lots of problems on the roads. They have been involved in many accidents in their driving career and do not mind it.
As all of these points and more show winter people are cold at heart, rude, and boring. They do not strive to help others, they do not care about having fun and have dull, boring personalities. Even if the snow is glistening in the long cold winter months, winter people only complain, and are rude all month.
What do you like the most..,? I have witnessed many liking the winters for being cool no pollution, restricted movements and so on... While many like summers for greater activity. Free movement and great sunlight. Picnics tours and much more
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